Mount Warrigal

Mount Warrigal, New South Wales, 2528

  ranked 60 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Aggregate Data of Mount Warrigal
Postal code: 2528 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Barrack Heights
Barrack Point
Lake Illawarra
Overall rating: 6.5, ranked 60 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Population: 4543, ranked 24 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Measurement: 1.8099 km2 , ranked 54 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Population density: 2510.08 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 14 km
Average level of education: 10.31 years , ranked 62 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Median yearly personal income: 21060 AUD , ranked 57 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Median weekly personal income: 405 AUD , ranked 57 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Median weekly family income: 1163 AUD , ranked 58 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Median weekly household income: 1019 AUD , ranked 51 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Mount Warrigal suburbs nearby
Lake Illawarra 2528
Shellharbour City Centre 2529
Barrack Heights 2528
Oak Flats 2529
Blackbutt 2529
Barrack Point 2528
Flinders 2529
Haywards Bay 2530
Shellharbour 2529
Updated: 2019-05-27 09:42:08